They’ve Been Everywhere! – Leg 2 & Bingo Card Rider Bonus Photos

The riders in the 2023 IBR spanned the US and Canada during the event. We pulled a sampling of the riders’ submitted bonus photos to show where they’ve been. Across this gallery, and the galleries for Leg 1 and Leg 3, every rider who submitted photos in scoring is represented with no duplications on locations.

Road Kill Cafe Selfies

During rally development we identified four “Road Kill” restaurant locations around the US. One was in each quadrant of the continental US: Northwest, Southwest, Southeast, and Northeast. These were Holly’s Road Kill Saloon in McLeod, Montana, the famous Road Kill Cafe on Route 66 in Seligman, Arizona, another Road Kill Cafe in Elberta, Alabama, and yet another Road Kill Cafe in Artemas, Pennsylvania. The location in Artemas, Pennsylvania is roughly…


James Owen has won the 2023 Iron Butt Rally. This is his 3rd Iron Butt Rally win and he recorded the second highest mileage ever ridden during the rally. James rode his 2022 BMW R1250RT 14,138 miles in 11 days and collected 151,821 points. He previously won the rally in 2009 and 2017. James is the only two-time winner and is now the only three-time winner of the IBR. James…

Caption Contest Winners Announced

Winner of the 2023 Iron Butt Rally Poster Hey Lisa, Tulsa was awesome, but we need major weather events here… and here.Ian Crafar Honorable Mentions And he said unto them, “Go forth and rally.”Jess Tayloe And on the 8th day the Rallymaster said “Ride far, be smart, don’t take other riders’ forgotten flags, and stay away from gas station sushi.” Riders rallied. And it was good.Eric James Now… if we…

Tulsa Time

As the rally staff was preparing to transfer Rally Central from the Start hotel in Pittsburgh to the Checkpoint 1 hotel in Tulsa, we received news that the power was out for over 200,000 people in the Tulsa area. A couple of days prior, a storm front packing 100 mph winds blew through Tulsa, resulting in widespread devastation. The outage area included the Checkpoint 1 hotel and without electricity, they…



Unfortunately, the end of Leg 1 saw one rider and one two-up team withdraw from the Rally. Pat Ford, an IBR Vet, decided that this was not his time and headed home. Knowing when you are not on your usual game is an important skill and Pat recognized he was not where he wanted to be. He broke the news to the RallyMom at Checkpoint 1. We wish him well…