Detailed Standings Posted

Detailed standings are now available on the Iron Butt Association website. There are links to the scorecards for each rider who completed Leg 1, including bonuses collected, along with their photo and additional information. A link is also available on this website’s Rally Data > Standings page.

Venison is not what we want on the menu

Just after 5:00am, Bambi threw herself in front of Lisa Rufo/Molly Hecker, riding two up. They were traveling westbound on I88, just west of Delkalb, IL. Lisa and the bike took quite a tumble; Molly was more fortunate. Steve told The RallyMom that Lisa says she’s fine and wants to continue on. Of course she does, she doesn’t give up easily. However, first she’ll have an ambulance ride to check…

Rally 101?

At 1:07am, Landry received a photo text, showing flag 88, hanging on a pole in Bar Harbor, looking so sad and abandoned by its hapless rider. Oh well.  Then, at 3:01am, another rider came upon the lonely flag and texted the RallyMom, asking should they bring it back. Really?! When no text response came from a sleeping Landry, and no phone call to verify the basic rules of rallying, at…

Public Spotwalla Tracking Page is Live

The public Spotwalla tracking page is now live at the link below. ID numbers are reassigned on a regular basis. All motorcycles are currently impounded in the hotel parking lot and riders are ready to go starting at 10AM EDT. This link will remain on the Tracking page under the Rally Data Menu on this website.