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  • They’ve Been Everywhere! – Leg 3 Rider Bonus Photos
    The riders in the 2023 IBR spanned the US and Canada during the event. We pulled a sampling of the riders’ submitted bonus photos to show where they’ve been. Across this gallery, and the galleries for Leg 1 and Leg 2/Bingo, every rider who submitted photos in scoring is represented with no duplications on locations.
  • They’ve Been Everywhere! – Leg 2 & Bingo Card Rider Bonus Photos
    The riders in the 2023 IBR spanned the US and Canada during the event. We pulled a sampling of the riders’ submitted bonus photos to show where they’ve been. Across this gallery, and the galleries for Leg 1 and Leg 3, every rider who submitted photos in scoring is represented with no duplications on locations.
  • They’ve Been Everywhere! – Leg 1 Rider Bonus Photos
    The riders in the 2023 IBR spanned the US and Canada during the event. We pulled a sampling of the riders’ submitted bonus photos to show where they’ve been. Across this gallery, and the galleries for Leg 2/Bingo and Leg 3, every rider who submitted photos in scoring is represented with no duplications on locations.
  • Road Kill Cafe Selfies
    During rally development we identified four “Road Kill” restaurant locations around the US. One was in each quadrant of the continental US: Northwest, Southwest, Southeast, and Northeast. These were Holly’s Road Kill Saloon in McLeod, Montana, the famous Road Kill Cafe on Route 66 in Seligman, Arizona, another Road Kill Cafe in Elberta, Alabama, and yet another Road Kill Cafe in Artemas, Pennsylvania. The location in Artemas, Pennsylvania is roughly 2.5 hours from the finish hotel in Coraopolis, PA. This meant that many riders would choose this as their last bonus on the way to the barn. We thought we…
  • Detailed Final Standings Posted
    … days ago. Detailed final standings are available on the Iron Butt Association website. There are links to the scorecards for each rider who completed at least Leg 1, including bonuses collected, along with their photo and additional information. A link is also available on this website’s Rally Data > Standings page.

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